Bible verse of the day

Bible verse of the day

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1 John 4: 5-6 (TB) They (false prophets) come from the world; so they talk about worldly things and the world listens to them.

We are from God: whoever knows God, he listens to us; he who is not of God does not listen to us. That is the sign of the misleading Spirit of truth and spirit.

The Bible Verses About Of Love

The Bible Verses About Of Love

. . . "Love. the (Lord) your God with alll your heart and with all (your) soul and with all your mind. That is the first and foremost law. And the second law, which is the same, is: Love your neighbor as yourself. In these two laws depends on all the law and the prophets. " ~ Matthew 22: 34-40
(For) this is love for God, that is, that we keep His commandments. His commandments are nott (heavy) ~ 1 John 5: 3

10 Bible Verses about God's Love

bible verse about love of god

John 3:16
Because God's love for this world is so great that He gave His only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life.

Romans 5: 8
But God shows His love for us, because Christ died for us, when we were still sinners.

Bible verse about love

Bible verse about love

John 14: 23. Answer Jesus: "If a (person) loves me, he will obey my word and my Father will love him and we will come to him and dwell with him.

Romans 13: 9. For the word: do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do not covet and any other word, have been knotted in this word, namely: Love your neighbor as yourself!

Photos and pictures of Jesus Christ

photos and pictures of Jesus Christ

Book of Genesis summary and analysis

Book of Genesis summary and analysis

Author: Moses
Theme: Beginning
Date of Writing: + 1445 - 1405 BC

Bible Verse of The Day

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Bible verse of the day

Bible verse of the day Bible verse of the day, bible verse of the day app, bible verse of the day catholic, bible verse of the day...

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